
ins粉丝购买 App Annie:TikTok位列12月全球热门应用下载收入双榜首

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - Chinese mainland China's popular game player list, after more than 1 years of online version, the call of duty mobile games finally met with domestic players. Only a week online, it rose to the forefront in China's iOS download and revenue list in December. According to App Annie Intelligence data, its online week (25-31) is second only to the "King glory". "Peace elite" and "dream journey to the west".🟨🟧🟩🟦

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游戏方面,2020 年 12 月全球热门游戏下载排行榜中《屋顶棍棍侠》(Roof Rails) 增长迅猛,根据 App Annie 估算数据,其在印度和美国的月下载量均超过 300 万。SayGames 新游 Sushi Rolls 3D 在全球多个 下载量持续增长,首月排名即达到全球第 5。收入榜方面,根据 App Annie Intelligence 估算数据,Fate/Grand Order 在 12 月上升显著,其在日本收入达到 2020 年月度之 ,同时也超越了 2019 年同期。

In terms of games, in December 2020, the number of downloads of "roof rails" in the world's top games is growing rapidly. According to app Annie's estimated data, its monthly downloads in India and the United States are more than 3 million. Sushi rolls 3D, a new saygames tour, has seen continuous growth in downloads in many countries around the world, ranking fifth in the world in the first month. In terms of revenue, according to app Annie intelligence, fat / grand order rose significantly in December, reaching the highest monthly revenue in 2020 in Japan and surpassing the same period in 2019.

大陆热门游戏榜方面,在海外版上线 1 年多后,《使命召唤手游》终于与国内玩家见面,仅上线一周,就在 12 月 iOS 下载及收入榜中蹿升至前列,根据 App Annie Intelligence 数据估算,其上线当周(25-31 日)流水仅次于《王者荣耀》、《和平精英》和《梦幻西游》。

Chinese mainland China's popular game player list, after more than 1 years of online version, the call of duty mobile games finally met with domestic players. Only a week online, it rose to the forefront in China's iOS download and revenue list in December. According to App Annie Intelligence data, its online week (25-31) is second only to the "King glory". "Peace elite" and "dream journey to the west".

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